Daily Devotion – June 3, 2020 – Larry Papenfuss

So, Sunday, May 24 was Ascension Sunday. In the book of Acts, it describes the disciples asking the resurrected Easter Jesus if HE will now restore the kingdom of Israel to which Jesus responds. YOU will receive the power of the Holy Spirit and YOU will be my witnesses. Then as he ascends to heaven, two men robed in white, ask the disciples “Men of Galilea, Why do you stand looking up toward heaven?” 

Again, I can relate to the disciples . . .  really Jesus, you mean WE will be the ones to restore the kingdom??  No wonder the disciples were left standing, probably with their jaws on the ground, staring up into heaven. There are a lot of times, I’m left staring up into heaven.  There are a lot of times when I don’t feel like I know what is going on, what is going to happen, or what I am supposed to do. Kind of like now. Each day, I wake up and ask, what am I supposed to do today, and tomorrow, and the next day?  Oh, the work part is not too hard to figure out but what am I to do each day to restore the kingdom, follow the way, be a witness . . . especially during these times?

Well, maybe, we just do what the disciples eventually did as the rest of the book of Acts goes on to describe . . . be a witness to the love of Jesus wherever and whenever we can . . . in a letter, on a phone call, on Facebook and Zoom, wearing our masks, even in writing a hump day homily.

Laughter is the Best Medicine

What was the Ascension?

When Jesus began to “work from home”.