“Exploring Our Shared Stories of Race” – Adult Forum Series
Sundays from 9:45am-10:30am in the sanctuary and Wednesdays in Lent from 7:05pm– 7:50pm in the parlor
March 9th – April 9th, 2025
Led by Deacon Erin Power, Luke Papenfuss, & Pastor Chad Brucklacher
This series will offer a visual timeline diving deeper into our US History. Not everything in America’s past is great. We must remember all sides of our shared story. We will do this by learning, re-learning, and unlearning the stories told of our past and exploring the systems and policies embedded in our shared history. Finally, we will wonder together how learning about our past can inform how we move into a more just future.
Each Sunday and the following Wednesday will have the same content. Feel free to mix and match!