St. John is going to be engaging in a major landscaping project this spring and early summer. We actually began last fall when we planted nine trees on our property. This year’s projects are very ambitious: we are planting about 90 shrubs and trees, and about 700 native grasses, ground covers, and perennial flowers. All of these are meant to benefit pollinators such as bees, butterflies, moths, etc. As these insects increase in number, the birds will naturally increase in number due to the food supply and the cover for nesting. Ultimately, we all

A brief summary of the Nature Regeneration Group Long Range Plan
• To the E of the Preschool fence is a “living screen” to shield trash and recycling containers from the play area. The arbor within the fence will become a living arbor of grape vines.
• We’ve been given carte blanche from the City to do what we wish with the two “islands” in the parking lot. We’ve been mowing them for years, they are weed infested and our plan is to raise the level a few inches with fresh soil and plant low-growing native grasses, perennial flowers and ground covers. The soil might be added this fall, and the islands covered with weed fabric. The islands could become a demonstration of a no-mow area.
• A single large tree, American Linden/Basswood would be planted against the large, blank N brick wall.
• Deciduous trees would also be planted as indicated along the N sidewalk on the E and W.
• Five Scotch pines would be planted in and around the Spruce trees to the NW of the building.
• A “bio-swale” would be created between the stage and the low area along the N of the building. This would consist of native shrubs, grasses, perennials and ground covers to eliminate mowing that corner as well as keep the kitchen windows cleaner.
• Shrubs, grasses and ground covers would line the N and W walls of the building to eliminate mowing up to the walls and trimming. This would also eliminate the dangerous mowing on the slope by the church sign, as well as keep the dining room windows cleaner.
• A deciduous tree would be planted W of the oriel window N of the sign.
• The “ramp entry” on the W will be kept weed-free and the current large Viburnum will be trimmed back, but because the ramp may need replacing little else is planned for that area.
• Nothing new is planned for the S end of our property as it extends less than 3’ from the edge of the concrete.
• On the E side of the building, the entire current lawn area will be transformed into a no-mow area of native plants and a bio-swale connecting the two large drains, eliminating the unsightly drain pipe. In front of the Pre-School windows, very low-growing ground covers will be planted to keep the windows cleaner and maintain visibility to the outside.