Text: Reconciling in Christ Sunday 2025 Resilient Community Logos for Reconciling in Christ and Reconciling Works background: a chain of paper people in a circle, colored with different colors of skin, hair and clothes.

Reconciling in Christ Sunday 2025

Sunday, January 26th at both services: 8:30am & 10:45am.

Pastor Micah and St. Mark’s Lutheran Church will be joining us for a joint worship service at 8:30am on this final Sunday in January. 

There will be a time for fellowship between our two churches after the service as well as an Adult Forum that Sunday that addresses LGBTQIA+ visibility. 

In addition, we will be joined by David Behling from Reconciling Works as we have a special RIC Worship Service that will be featured at both the 8:30am and 10:45am timeframes.  Let’s celebrate being a welcoming and affirming church for all!

several different pies on a table

Thanksgiving Worship & Pie Social

Tuesday, November 26th at 6:30pm

Please join us for Thanksgiving worship, followed by a pie social in the fellowship hall. Please bring your favorite pie to share with others!

Hosted by the Congregational Life Committee.

Youth Sunday

Youth Sunday: Oct 20th

During worship on Sunday, October 20th (8:30am & 10:45am), we’ll be celebrating the youth of St. John! Youth will be invited to help lead the worship services, and the participants in the 2024 ELCA Youth Gathering will share some stories!

The youth will be selling Caramel Rolls between services!

Pastor Chad Brucklacher holding up a loaf of bread while giving the Words of Institution before communion.

Pastor Chad’s Installation

“For all of you are one in Christ.” -Galatians 3:28

The Members of St. John Lutheran Church proudly invite you to join us as we celebrate the installation of our new pastor, Rev. Chad Brucklacher. We will celebrate this blessed occasion through worship and with God’s Word.
Your presence will make this event a memorable experience for Pastor Chad, Sonja, and the congregation.

Sunday October 6, 2024, at
8:30 & 10:45 worship services
Reception between services at 9:30am

St. John Lutheran Church ELCA
1710 Fifth Street South Fargo, ND 58103

Clergy are encouraged to vest; the color of the day is GREEN.
A reception will be held at 9:30 AM, between services, please join us!
If you have further questions, you can contact the main church office at (701)232-8521

Hands of different skin tones holding up the letters to the word "welcome"

New Member Sunday

Are you curious about what it means to be a member of St. John? Please join us for new member classes ahead of our New Membership Sunday on Sunday, October 13th, 2024.  Classes will be Wednesdays, October 2nd and 9th, from 7:30pm-8:30pm. Please plan to attend both.

You will learn about the mission and ministry of St. John and also learn about the practical details of being a part of this church.

Please contact Pastor Chad or the office (701-232-8521) if you’re interested in joining St. John. If you can’t make it to the classes, we would be happy to make other arrangements with you.