St. John Lutheran Church is committed to our community and world. Below are ways you can get involved. Please contact the church office for more information (; 701-232-8521).


Mission Opportunities

Missions/Social Concerns Committee

The Committee seeks ways in which our congregation can help with the social welfare and humanitarian concerns of people on a local, national and global level. Programs include the ELCA World Hunger Appeal, the annual F-M Church World Service CROP Walk, and Habitat for Humanity.

Meal Preparation & Service (Churches United & Salvation Army)

Once a month, volunteers prepare and serve meals at both Churches United for the Homeless and the Salvation Army.

New American Resettlement Committee

Members of the Committee meet to directly help a family of New Americans. Through Global Refuge (formerly LIRS), we meet specific needs, provide transportation, advocate for a New American family, and also help them understand our culture and how our government agencies work. The committee is assigned to one family for about a year, starting a few months before the family arrives in the US, and then is assigned to a different family.

Food Pantry

Volunteers are recruited to gather and pack grocery orders at the FM Emergency Food Pantry, which are distributed to people in a crisis situation. A total of about 30 volunteers are needed.

New Member Ministry

New members experience a richer, more spiritually fulfilling community at St. John when the new individual or family has a New Member Sponsor.