At St. John Lutheran Church, you have many ways to contribute to our worship experience:

Assisting Minsters
Lay people are trained as Assisting Ministers in leading portions of the liturgy, and in leading the congregation in the Prayers of the Church. These volunteers check the theme of the day and church season, and typically include prayers for the world, our nation, our city, and our church. They also assist with the distribution of Communion.

Men, women and youth usher at the worship services. Ushers hand out bulletins, take the offering, help people find seats, assist during Communion, and perform other duties.

These volunteers read the lessons appointed for the day (with the exception of the Gospel). They also assist with the distribution of Communion.

Altar Guild
Men and women prepare the liturgical garments, decorate the sanctuary for certain church holidays, prepare the Communion elements, and set up for baptisms.

Worship and Music Committee
This group meets to discuss all things related to worship. They do visioning and dreaming, as well as deal with practical matters.

If you are interested in serving in any of the above ways at St. John please contact the church office at 701-235-8521 or email us at!