Daily Devotion – June 17, 2020 – Larry Papenfuss

I am a fan of CBS Sunday Morning and its resident comedian Jim Gaffigan who is of course doing his segments from home these days. His home is a NY city apartment where he lives with his wife and 5 kids.  On Sunday he began his segment by saying “Well, today is day ONE BILLION in our emergency sheltering.”  

Laughter is the Best Medicine so you can catch his CBS segments from weeks 4-6 –  “The Kids Don’t Like Quarantine… SEND HELP”   Week 5 is my favorite. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DL1UKHRiESg

I’m sure it seems like we’ve been sheltering for a long time. But it also sounds like although we may be easing some restrictions, we will do so knowing that any in-person activities will come slowly.  And, that the likelihood is that we will loosen only to tighten again if things change. I am an optimistic person by nature, but I am also a realist. So, I’ve begun to try to prepare for what is to come by changing my thinking. Instead of wondering and hoping it will be over I decided instead to consciously be thankful for my COVID blessings.  

Coffee on the deck with my wife

Finally getting to some of those things I’ve put off – like cleaning the garage and getting rid of my old clothes     

Meals w my family 

Learning to make sour dough bread

Family Netflix binges

Writing actual letters

Virtual happy hour with my co-workers

And so today —–  Rejoice in hope, be patient in suffering, persevere in prayer.      Romans 12:12